At Mornington House, we had such a wonderful visit from Gemma of Adventure Babies. She told us the story called ‘Whatever Next’ by Jill Murphy. She brought loads of props with her – a story sack each, beautiful sensory lights, jelly and jam to make sandwiches, moon sand and rocks, books and bubbles – and all these enhanced our experience and ensured that we were all really engaged.
MFG said “I think we went to the moon, we took propellers who were magic and they light up, I liked them. It was dark in the room and we light them up. I see the light pointing at the moon of the propeller, I wear a sack helmet that I made.” SH said “we went in a rocket and there was bubbles”. P said “we seen an owl, we go on the moon, we play in the rice” B said “I standed up and did this with the propeller and we flew near the moon which was cool. I spreaded some jam on the toast – it was jelly but I called it jam! And I played with the pasta a little bit” MB said “I made a sandwich for baby bear I used jelly with bread and I spread it a with a knife”. SW – we went to the moon I was wearing a space helmet”. E “I was playing with the balls in a bath. We had bubbles it didn’t get my nose. Baby bear was on my hand”.