What British Values and the Prevent Duty mean to us at Bristol Childcare
British Values underpin all that we do – all our policies and procedures. British Values are part of our ethos. We recognise that if we act with these values every day, we can help families and communities feel safe, supported and empowered and less likely to become radicalised. This is part of our safeguarding ethos.
It is our intention to promote British Values through all that we do.
It is our intention that every person feels heard – staff, children, parents.
It is our intention to build positive relationships in all aspects of our work.
It is our intention that Bristol Childcare is connected to the wider community.
It is our intention that everyone feels that they are treated equally.
It is our intention that our rules, procedures and policies are respected by all with an understanding that they are to keep us all safe in terms of us all understanding what is expected of each of us and to help us all understand how the company operates in a sustainable way.
We will implement this through:
- Building relationships with children, families and staff;
- Honest communication with all;
- Open-mindedness;
- Treating all as equals – staff feeling able to speak up and be listened to;
- Providing a safe space for children, families and staff to be listened to and feel safe;
- Empowering children, families and staff by given freedom, choices, supporting their ideas, providing resources (including training) to help them further their ideas;
- Using the 5Cs to support expression of emotion and respectful listening (see Behaviour Policy);
- Using the Crucial Cs in helping adults feel heard;
- Promoting wellbeing for children – by supporting them in learning self-esteem, self-care and resilience (Characteristics of Learning)
- Promoting wellbeing for staff – providing supervision; listening, caring, responding;
- Asking questions – finding out about families and what matters to them. Asking “What’s important to you?” “How can we make this relevant for you?” “What can you share with us?” “What are your aspirations for your child?”;
- Endeavouring to understand what each unique child needs to be able to learn and develop and to provide that;
- Celebrating cultures and festivals that are relevant to our families and staff and enable them to feel there is something at the nursery which reflects them;
- Ongoing self-evaluation and an attitude of continuous improvement.
Learning will happen (for staff and children) when everyone feels safe and supported.
There will be a sense of belonging for all.
Parents will feel comfortable leaving their children with us and will be empowered to focus on their work.
Staff will enjoy their work and feel fulfilled.
We will meet our safeguarding obligations.
We will have community cohesion.
Adults will be positive role models for children.
We will be able to support children in developing strong PSED skills and a growth mindset.
Bristol Childcare settings will be positive, happy, developing places to be.
No-one will feel isolated and should feel able to ask for help rather than turning to radical behaviour.