At The Priory recently we were very lucky to have Pranav’s Mum (Resmi) come into Preschool to talk about the Hindu festival, Diwali which they celebrated on Sunday. Resmi read the story of Ramayana and explained the reason why Hindus celebrate this festival and why it is called the Festival of Lights. The children listened carefully to the story and had a chance to ask questions after. Resmi brought in a traditional outfit to show what the girls would wear and Pranav wore a traditional boys outfit which he was very proud to show to his friends. We listened and found out how their family celebrated with lots of yummy food, making rangoli patterns, lighting diyas and waving sparklers in the night sky. The children enjoyed a wonderful afternoon dressing up in traditional outfits and accessories, creating rangoli patterns, reading the story and tasting some delicious sweet treats which Resmi kindly brought in for everyone to take home.