WE DID IT!! 100km in 7 hours 12 minutes!!
We were very lucky and we set off before 9.30pm so the sun was just beginning to set. The trip to the first feed station was very speedy 20km in under and hour and we were feeling good. The next one was a bit more of a struggle as our body started to get into it and we had to begin to navigate the London roads.
By the halfway point we heading into Buckingham palace and our support crew were there to greet us with plenty of cheers and some lucozade, this was a real boost and the next 10 miles seemed the easiest. At feed station number 4 (70km) we were very sore, tired and starting to feel cold. The next 10 miles were a real struggle, we were only travelling about 6mph our slowest by far, the hill was also in this section.
At the final feedstation we had the view of let’s just get home – we really went for it and completed the last 10 miles in under an hour arriving in at 4.34am just as the sun was rising to great cheers (and a few tears).
I can not thank you enough for all of your support both through kind words of encouragement and your incredible generous donations – we have raised over £3500 for a very worthy cause and in the name of a truly amazing and inspirational person – we hope Lisa would be very proud.