Upon returning from the winter break, the Babies have shown a big interest in their body parts and we have been encouraging this through play in reflections. We have ended the week with a tuff tray with reflective pebbles and a mirror with questions for practitioners to ask the children to encourage them to find their body parts – particularly their facial features. We have little drawings of these body parts for the children to find and make links from the word to the feature. We have also added the teeth model and tooth brush to extend it further, to bring in our home routine and add an element of oral hygiene.
We have looked at finding our features, looking at the colours of these features, and their function. For example, ‘you have blue eyes’. ‘we use our eyes to see’, ‘can you find your eyes?’. The children have been extremely responsive and this supports them in working towards their 18 month OPAL milestone of ‘Communication and language – can find their own nose, hair, feet etc.’.