At the Court House, we are basing our focus on one of our core books in Baby Room – The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We started the morning with a themed tuff tray to encourage the children to make links with the role play food (mixing media from other areas of the room), and sequencing events. We then had a mark making area for the children to have a softer approach to the story through Art and Design (EYFS) to allow them to develop their fine motor muscle control as we make marks and amend meanings whilst talking about our findings on our page.
At snack today, we read our core book with the children, so they could see how the story developed and the meaning behind it – making links to how we need to eat our fruit (and other balanced foods!) to enable us to grow (and nap to support this, just not in a cocoon!).
We are going to get some of our blankets out to encourage the children to role play this part of the story as they have been really into mirroring life experiences through their play, so we should see a lot of putting the role play babies to bed again, but this will be an opportunity to add language to interpret their ideas (For example, wrapping their baby into a cocoon). We can’t wait to see how the children develop their own ideas and add language to their play throughout the day. We hope to do many more core book themed days throughout the year, as well as other favourites from home.